Here Noho
Trust Tairāwhiti Respects
Your Privacy And Complies
With The Privacy Act 2020.
This Policy enacts our values:
Te Mana
The principal of uniqueness of every single person is protected and is given effect with this policy
Te lhi
Promoting the responsibility and obligations of Trust staff to protect and be good stewards of peoples' information
Te Wehi
Protecting the rangatiratanga of people and their information
Trust Tairāwhiti is investing in a robust data infrastructure program, to support the governance, management, and operations of our data collection. This program identifies how best to securely store all types of information Trust Tairāwhiti collect, using best practice security principles and technologies, while ensuring we prevent the loss, misuse, or disclosure of personal information. We endeavour to limit our staff’s unnecessary access to personal information through these systems.
Before we use or disclose personal information, we take reasonable steps to ensure the information is accurate, up to date, complete, relevant, and not misleading. This helps to ensure that all people, whānau and communities of Tairāwhiti have unhindered access to support and opportunities that enhance their wellbeing.
We only collect personal information that is necessary to the function and activities of Trust Tairāwhiti. If personal information is not required for a particular purpose or activity, we shall not collect it.
We will not store people’s personal information any longer than is necessary.
Where possible, we collect information directly from the person the information is about and in ways that are lawful, fair and not intrusive. We take particular care about how we collect information from and about children and young people. However, in certain circumstances, we may collect from other sources, such as where:
a. The person in question has given permission for us to collect the information from someone else.
b. Collecting the information from someone other than the person in question would not prejudice the person’s interest.
c. Collecting information from the person directly would undermine the purpose of the collection.
d. It is necessary for the enforcement of the law or for the conduct of proceedings.
e. We are receiving the information from publicly available sources.
We will only disclose people’s personal information in the permitted limited and clearly defined circumstances set out in the Privacy Act. For example, we can disclose information if we reasonably believe that:
a. Disclosure is one of the purposes for which we collect the information; or
b. People have authorised the disclosure; or
c. The information will be used in a form that does not identify the person concerned; or
d. Disclosure is necessary to avoid endangering someone’s health or safety; or
e. Disclosure is necessary to uphold or enforce the law or for court proceedings.
We will always endeavour to make sure people know:
a. That the information is being collected.
b. Why we are collecting specific types of information.
c. Who will receive the information.
d. If collection of the information is authorised or required by law, what that law is and whether the person has to give the information or whether this is voluntary.
e. What happens if people don’t provide us with the information from and about children and young people.
However, in certain circumstances, we may collect from other sources, such as where:
a. The person in question has given permission for us to collect the information from someone else.
b. Collecting the information from someone other than the person in question would not prejudice the person’s interest.
c. Collecting information from the person directly would undermine the purpose of the collection.
d. It is necessary for the enforcement of the law or for the conduct of proceedings.
e. We are receiving the information from publicly available sources.
As the regional development trust for Te Tairāwhiti our focus is on our people and communities. We do not expect to send personal information to overseas parties and look where possible to keep people’s information onshore. We will not send peoples information overseas unless permission is given, or where we are permitted to do so for the purposes of upholding or enforcing the law or for health and safety reasons.
We understand that personal information is important and appreciate that people choose to provide it to the Trust. People can request access to their own information. We will usually grant requests for access, but sometimes might decline a request. An example would be if giving the information would:
a. Endanger a person’s safety.
b. Prevent detection and investigation of criminal offences.
c. Involve an unwarranted breach of someone else’s privacy. A data correction process is published to permit people to access and/or correct their own personal data unless the request is unsubstantiated, people don’t provide us with the information, information from and about children and young people.
However, in certain circumstances, we may collect from other sources, such as where:
a. The person in question has given permission for us to collect the information from someone else.
b. Collecting the information from someone other than the person in question would not prejudice the person’s interest.
c. Collecting information from the person directly would undermine the purpose of the collection.
d. It is necessary for the enforcement of the law or for the conduct of proceedings.
e. We are receiving the information from publicly available sources.
Should privacy issues arise, or if anyone feels we have breached any of our obligations as kaitiaki or if a person wishes to request access to or correction of their personal information held by us, please contact our privacy officer:
The Privacy Officer
50 The Esplanade,
Shed Three,
Floor1 Gisborne 4010,
New Zealand
Email: office@trusttairawhiti.nz
Phone: (06) 867 2640